About this site in English

As most of this site is in Spanish, here is a bit of information for those of you who don’t read Spanish.

The Mérida Buddhist Centre is run by the Triratna Buddhist Order (previously known as FWBO). If you would like to know more about our movement, go to the Triratna home page in English. We set up the centre in Mérida, Venezuela in 1993. This is a non-profit project.

In the Spanish part of these pages there is information about the Buddhist Centre, including the programme of events. There are also translations of Buddhist texts and articles about Buddhism.

Visitors to the centre from overseas with previous experience of Triratna are welcome. However, the social & economic situation in Venezuela is very complicated at the moment, so please write by email in advance so that we can advise you

To see the current email contact address & telephone see the contact page.